RFP Response Management

PostRFP provides response management tools help vendors to compile their response to an RFP.

When working on a big RFP, each vendor organization will have a team dedicated to building their response. It's in the interest of both vendor and buyer that they provide the most accurate information possible.

Working on a traditional RFP (e.g. building up a Word document), this involves a painful process of change manage - emailing copies, tracking changes, red-lining, black lining an carefully managing revisions.

Due to PostRFP's vendor workflow tools, compiling a big RFP response is, in many respects, much more convenient that working offline.

With Workflow enabled, vendors can treat each RFP question as a discrete task. This task can be allocated to a user, and statuses can be used to track progress:

General Features

Creating the RFP

Invite & Publish

Respond & Monitor
