Consulting & Data Management Services

About us

PostRFP analysts have experience with thousands of RFP and vendor evaluation projects. We provide advice and data management services to support all stages of the process.

Data Import Services

We can help with importing pre-existing RFP documents or questions.

By default, PostRFP provides a facility to import questions from Excel. However, the structure of these spreadsheets, and of the resulting questions, is fixed. To get started more quickly our consultants can work on:

Reporting & Analysis

Large scale RFPs generate a great deal of data.

For example, some of the larger RFPs we have worked with involve 1000 questions, answered by 6 respondents, with 5 scoring evaluators and 3 weighting sets. In the " worst case ", where all vendors respond, and each evaluator scores every question, this will produce:

PostRFP provides a number of in-built tools, charts and reports to help manage the scoring process, but with so much potential data, and so many different approaches to managing and evaluating RFPs, there is often a need produce custom reports to help focus in on the important aspects of the RFP.

Project Review Consulting

Launching an important RFP can be intimidating. We can help with:

Outsourced RFP Management

Our most comprehensive service is to manage the full RFP process. You provide us with the RFP content, a list of vendors to invite, the relevant dates and we:

  1. Register an account for your organisation, and provide you with a login
  2. Draft the RFP questionnaire, setup vendor accounts, and attach necessary documents
  3. Invite you review what we've done, and we adjust as necessary
  4. Publish the RFP, fielding any questions from vendors with regards to registration and responding
  5. Field any Messages posted by Respondents, deferring to you for non-system related questions
  6. Once Responses are submitted, we provide you with a PDF documents of vendor responses, and a spreadsheet ready for scoring and analysis.

The Project is completely accessible, on-line, throughout the process. So you can get involved as much or as little as you wish with drafting questions, assigning weights, analyzing and scoring responses.

General Features

Creating the RFP

Invite & Publish

Respond & Monitor
