FAQ Sections

What Permissions does the system use?

Posted in User Management and Administration, last updated on Dec. 10, 2020

The following list shows the Permissions in use within the system.

Note that users are not allocated permissions directly. Users are set Roles, and Roles are grouping permissions.

  • ALLOCATE_QUESTIONS - Determines whether a respondent user can allocate a question
  • ANSWER_QUESTIONS_ALLOCATED_TO_ANYONE - Determines whether a respondent user can answer questions allocated to any person (also can answer to not allocated questions)
  • APPROVE_ANSWERS - Determines whether a respondent user can approve a question answer
  • CATEGORY_ADD - Determines whether a user is allowed to create a new categories
  • CATEGORY_DELETE - Determines whether a user is allowed to delete an existing categories
  • ISSUE_ACCEPT - Determines whether a respondent user can accept or decline an Issue (i.e.
  • ISSUE_CREATE - Determines whether an issuer user can create an Issue
  • ISSUE_DECLINE - Determines if a respondent user can Submit an Issue
  • ISSUE_DELETE - Determines whether an issuer user can delete an Issue
  • ISSUE_MANAGE_ISSUER_ATTACHMENTS - Determines whether a buyer user can add/remove issue attachments.
  • ISSUE_MANAGE_RESPONDENT_ATTACHMENTS - Determines whether a respondent user can add/remove issue attachments This permission, however, does not allow a respondent user to remove issue attachments added by a buyer user.
  • ISSUE_PUBLISH - Determines whether an issuer user can publish an Issue
  • ISSUE_RETRACT - Determines whether an issuer user can retract an Issue
  • ISSUE_SAVE_AGREED_SCORES - Determines whether an issuer user is allowed to save agreed scores
  • ISSUE_SAVE_QUESTION_RESPONSE - Determines whether a respondent user can save a question response
  • ISSUE_SAVE_SCORES - Determines whether an issuer user is allowed to save scores
  • ISSUE_SELF_ISSUE - Determines whether a user is allowed to create a self-issue for a public project
  • ISSUE_SUBMIT - Determines if a respondent user can Submit an Issue
  • ISSUE_UPDATE - Determines whether a buyer is allowed to update certain properties of an issue
  • ISSUE_UPDATE_WORKFLOW - Determines whether a respondent is allowed to update "useWorkflow" property of an issue
  • ISSUE_VIEW_SCORES - Determines whether an issuer user is allowed to view existing scores
  • MANAGE_ORGANISATION - Determines whether a user is allowed to update details of the organisation he/she belongs to.
  • MANAGE_PRIVATE_ADDRESS_BOOK - Determines whether a user is allowed to manage private address book of the organisation he/she belongs to.
  • MANAGE_USERS - Determines whether a user is allowed to manage (create,update,delete) users in organisation which he/she belongs to.
  • PROJECT_ADD_NOTE - Determines whether an issuer user can add a Project note
  • PROJECT_ADD_RESPONDENT_NOTE - Determines whether an respondent user can add a Project note
  • PROJECT_CLOSE - Determines whether an issuer user can close a Project
  • PROJECT_CREATE - Determines whether an issuer user is allowed to save a new Project
  • PROJECT_DELETE - Determines whether an issuer user is allowed to delete a Project
  • PROJECT_EDIT - Determines whether an issuer user can edit a Project
  • PROJECT_EDIT_COSMETIC - Determines whether an issuer user can do cosmetic editions on a Project
  • PROJECT_EDIT_WEIGHTING - Determines whether a buyer is allowed to update question weight(ing)s.
  • PROJECT_LIBRARY_MANAGE - Determines whether an issuer user is allowed to manage Library Projects
  • PROJECT_LINK_TO_CATEGORY - Determines whether an issuer user can link/unlink a Project to a category
  • PROJECT_LOCK_QUESTIONNAIRE - Determines whether an issuer user can lock/unlock a project questionnaire
  • PROJECT_PUBLISH - Determines whether an issuer user can publish a Project, making it visible to respondents
  • PROJECT_REVERT_TO_DRAFT - Determines whether an issuer user can revert a published Project to DRAFT status
  • PROJECT_SAVE_QUESTIONNAIRE - Determines whether an issuer user is allowed to save changes (sections or questions) to a Questionnaire

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