FAQ Sections

Who traditionally uses RFx questionnaires?

Posted in What is RFP software?, last updated on Dec. 10, 2020

RFx questionnaires are used in the following situations:

 * <b>Regulated Industries</b>. Where government rules require that suppliers are chosen on the basis of quality and cost effectiveness (anti-corruption rules). e.g. public sector or the pension fund industry
 * <b>Consultants</b>. Many organisations use consultants to help them purchase complex goods or services. Consultants use RFx questionnaires to encapsulate their knowledge of an industry, and to demonstrate to their clients the basis on which they are making recommendations
 * <b>Procurement Professionals</b>. RFx questionnaires are central to any professional procurement officer's role. In many respects a procurement officer is like an internal consultant, so the same drivers apply.

In summary, if you need to make a difficult purchasing decision, and to be able to demonstrate the basis on which the decision has been made, RFx questionnaires are the way to go.

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