Posted in Technical Details, last updated on Dec. 10, 2020
PostRFP has been designed to support common integration requirements:
- Authentication via Single Sign On providers (CAS) and oAuth
- Directory services (e.g. LDAP) for using external user/organisation databases
- Data Import. Questionnaires and scores can be imported from XML or Excel format.
- Data Export - to Excel, CSV or XML formats
- Look and feel. PostRFP uses templates and Themes to facilitate re-branding or other changes to the look and feel.
- Web Services. A growing number of JSON/Rest interfaces are exposed in response to customer requirements.
Code Level Integration
PostRFP uses the Spring Framework to manage it's runtime configuration, and adopts the Spring approach of interface based programming. The benefit of this approach is that when integration requires custom coding, it is only necessary to produce a new implementation of an existing interface and change the Spring configuration files. All other existing code can remain unchanged.
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