FAQ Sections

Can I build a library of reusable RFx questionnaire templates?

Posted in RFP Creation and Design, last updated on Dec. 10, 2020

Yes. PostRFP provides each organisations with a Template Library. This is a list of questionnaires, each with nested sections and subsections, that can be used when creating a new Supplier Evaluation project questionnaire. Any number of Library questionnaires can be created. When designing a questionnaire for a new Project, there is an option to "Import". From here select "Private Template Library". You are then presented with a list of sections and questions to import from.

Question Templates

Any one of the list of Library Questions can be flagged as the provider of "Template Questions". Doing so will mean that, when working in Questionnaire Draft mode and clicking to "Add New Question", the list of available question types will be extending to include any questions found under the root section of the Library Questionnaire flagged for "Template Questions".

This functionality allows the evaluator to identify commonly used question formats, and make it a one click operation to create new questions of the same structure.

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